Obvestilo o odmeri letnega dopusta in koriščenje lanskega Na kaj moramo biti pozorni pri odmeri letnega dopusta in kakšne pravice pri koriščenju ima delavec? Dolžina letnega dopusta je odvisna od kriterijev, določenih v Zakonu o delovnih razmerjih, kolektiv... Mar 19, 2020
How long does it take to keep business records? Are you still wondering how long a particular document is stored? This is determined by various regulations (ZGD, SRS, ZDavP, ZDDV, ZVDAGA). The company must specify the retention periods of the doc... Mar 2, 2020
Digital vouchers - Funds to digitize your business In one of our previous blogs, we talked about the successful digital transformation of one of our clients' businesses. With the help of digitization vouchers you can also increase the competitiveness ... Feb 13, 2020
HERMES – Silver Partner Odoo Hermes is proud to announce that we are the first Odoo Silver Partner in Slovenia. The Silver Partnership is only for those companies that have played an important role in quality Odoo projects. **... Jan 6, 2020
What to look out for at the end of the year? At the end of the fiscal year, we would like to highlight some things and procedures that need to be done and recorded before the end of the year. Particular attention should be paid to inventory or ... Dec 17, 2019
Why perform annual interviews? At the end of the year, it is a good time to look at the year being celebrated, to talk about the good and the less good of this year and the opportunities for improvement in the next. This is also a... Dec 11, 2019
How to Choose Your Hosting Type Aplikacije Odoo Enterprise lahko gostite na treh različnih platformah: Odoo Online, Odoo.sh (namenski oblak) ali On-Premises z lastno infrastrukturo. Primerjajmo prednosti in slabosti vsake platforme,... Nov 28, 2019
Is the documentary system really necessary? A question most companies have been asking themselves for some time. Yet, surprisingly many companies still use paper-based documents, both for internal use and for dealing with their customers. And... Nov 11, 2019
Why use CRM in your business? Kakšna je dodana vrednost za podjetje, ki se odloči za uvedbo informacijske strategije imenovane CRM (ang. Customer Relationship Management) oz. obvladovanje odnosov s strankami? *Naj poudarimo le nek... Oct 22, 2019
Hermes - Odoo partner We can proudly say that we have become an Odoo partner. Even more - * We have become YOUR Odoo partner for the added value of your business *. ** What is Odoo? ** Odoo is an open source ERP i... Oct 11, 2019